Perfect North Learn to Ski Ski Trip

29 January 2000

There are still spots avaliable on this trip... Sign up today!  Better yet, when you sign up, sign up your friends, teach them to ski.

We will  have our annual "Learn to Ski" trip on January 29th to Perfect North Ski Area, which is located just north of Cincinnati.  This is the one trip where you do not have to be a member of the LSC to participate, so BRING A FRIEND or TWO or THREE!!!!

The cost will be $50.00 per person and that includes round trip bus ride and a full day lift ticket.  Add $10.00 if you need to rent equipment.

If you are interested or have any questions please call our trip leader,

Debbie Kjonaas, 743-2506

Better yet, come to our next meeting and get signed up!