Let's Go Racing at the ISC Race Weekend

25-27 February - Shanty Creek, MI

The ISC weekend will be February 25-27, 2000 at Shanty Creek, Michigan.  Deposits of $30.00 are due by December 1, and prices range from $163 - $249 per person based on occupancy and room type.  Children staying with adults are at a range of $25 (up to 5 yrs.), $65 (6-12), and $90 (13-17).  All prices include Friday and Saturday night lodging, 2 breakfasts, 1 dinner (The Fabulous Banquet / Party Extravaganza), Friday evening through Sunday lift tickets, taxes and tip.
Recreational racing is avaliable for $5.00 per person.  Non-lodging racers will purchase lift tickets at the window and pay an additional $10.00 race hill fee, in addition to the $5.00 I.S.C. racing fee.
Please note the December 1 deposit date, and contact Steve Kelley (kelley@kermit.cyto.purdue.edu) or Mike Tyler (inolesfan@aol.com or 497-6465) to indicate your interest.
The number of avaliable rooms for the ski clubs is limited this year so Schuss is rationing out the less expensive Village Rooms.  Any room not reserved on December 1 will be offered to other clubs.