Upcoming Ski Trips

Swiss Valley Race, Swiss Valley Michigan - 2 January 2000 (Trip report coming soon)
Contact: Stan Mason (616-663-2380) StanBMason@aol.com

Jackson Hole, Wyoming on the 13-17 January 2000. (Trip is full)
3 day lift tickets, 4 days hotel, ground and air transportation, $575
Contact: Ellen Rantz and Gary Gaskin (497-0345) rantze@ecn.purdue.edu

Perfect North, Indiana - Learn to ski trip at - 29 January 2000 - Open to non-members
1 day skiing, ground transportation, $50.00 (Still accepting people for the trip - Sign up now)
Contact: Debbie Kjonaas (743-2506)

Traverse City, Michigan - 11-13 February 2000 (New lower price - Sign up now)
2 day lift ticket, 2 nights hotel, ground transportation, $145 $130
Contact: Ron Webb (448-1551) or John Espenes (742-8909)

ISC Race Weekend @ Shanty Creek, Michigan - 25-27 February 2000
2 day lift ticket, 2 nights hotel, racing fees, $163-$249
Contact: Mike Tyler (497-6465) inolesfan@aol.com

Banff, Canada - 4-11 March 2000 (Trip is closed)
5 of 6 day lift ticket, 7 nights hotel, ground and air transportation, $795
Contact: Brian Kuhn (420-9467) briankuh@purdue.edu

Note: all of the trips require membership in the ski club (except for the Perfect North learn to ski trip)